10/02 Symposium “Now is the Time to Create a Refugee Protection Law!” organized by Japan Lawyers Network for Refugees

We are pleased to announce an online symposium of JLNR, a networking organization of lawyers who have been working on refugee issues. We look forward to your participation.

Now is the time to create a Refugee Protection Act!

Following discussions at the Expert Committee on Detention and Repatriation in the Ministry of Justice’s Seventh Immigration Policy Advisory Committee, which was established to eliminate long-term immigration detention, legal revisions, including the introduction of the offenses of evading a deportation order and fugitive from provisional release and the partial abolition of the effect of suspension of repatriation during refugee claims, will be implemented without any verification of the root causes of long-term immigration detention.

The panel will review the 2004 revised Immigration Control Act, which was passed after public debate following the simultaneous detention of Afghan refugee applicants and the Shenyang incident, as well as developments at the 2014 Expert Group on the Refugee Status System, which was established to respond to the rapid increase in the number of refugee status applicants due to the increase in inbound travel, and will also consider the recommendations of the Expert Group on Detention and Repatriation released in July 2020, and discuss amendments that should truly be made now and the passage of a refugee protection law providing for comprehensive protection for refugees.

<Date and Time> October 2, 2020 (Friday) 18:00~20:30


1. Presentation by Mr. Tsuyoshi Ohashi, Attorney-at-Law, Sponsor of JLNR (Japan Federation of Bar Associations)

“Movements before and after the Amendment of the 2004 Law” (tentative title)

2. Presentation by Shogo Watanabe (Lawyer, Representative of JLNR, Member of the Specialist Group on the 2014 Refugee Recognition System)

Status of Implementation of the Expert Group and its Recommendations Concerning the 2014 Refugee Recognition System” (tentative title) 3.

3. Comment: Mr. Michihiro Ishibashi, Member of the House of Councilors, Chairman of the Councilors’ Roundtable on Refugee Issues

4. Comment: Mr. Hiroki Abe (Dean and Professor, School of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University, Counselor for Refugee Screening)

5. Q&A Session

≪Advance Registration Required≫

If you wish to attend this symposium, please register by the day before the symposium using the registration form below.

Registration Form

Admission: Free

Organized by Japan Lawyers Network for Refugees 

