I was a teacher at the National Technical School. When I criticized the government, they fired me…

I was a teacher at a national technical school with study abroad experience in Japan, but was fired for criticizing the government, and left the country because I feared for my life due to repeated harassment.

I thought I would be at ease once he arrived in Japan, but life in Japan has been a series of hardships.

I spent 10 years on parole in Japan, once living homeless in a park for two weeks with no money to live on and no place to live.

I’ve done many dangerous jobs.

In his home country, I was a teacher and held an elite position, but in Japan, I have no prospect of making a day’s living, and my pride has been shredded.

I can’t tell my family, who believe in my success in my home country, very much about my current situation.

By Ugandan, B.

*B is not able to have his picture taken due to his job search after becoming independent, so this picture is an image only.

